We take care of the planet and people

We care for the health of those who wear our products and those who make them. We offer a fair price all year round. We manufacture in Spain and Portugal.

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  • Algodón Orgánico

    Organic Cotton GOTs

    A lingerie made up of GOTs certified organic cotton fabrics is born.

  • Own

    Our designs are based on innovation to achieve maximum comfort.

  • Handmade in Spain and Portugal

    Our products guarantee the health and fair salary of all the people who work in our design and manufacturing chain.

  • Sustainable

    Health and the planet come first. All of our decisions are geared towards your care. We use shipping envelopes with a PEFC Forest Guarantee Certificate, which guarantees the correct management of natural resources.

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  • Foto de bodegón de la influencer de Alicante Street Style
    @AlicanteStreetStyle 64.1 followers
  • Pilar Andújar
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Udhara busca tejidos orgánicos. En esta foto representamos por qué elegimos algodón orgánico en nuestros tejidos.

Why do we use organic cotton?

We use organic cotton because it is the only truly natural and sustainable thing today.

We do not like polyester, polyamides, bamboo, nor cotton that is not organic. All these tissues are full of toxins, either by cultivation or by the manufacturing process.

We like organic cotton and tencel.