Without being experts in the matter, we want to share with you the results of an investigation, about the impact of garments.
We always talk about CO2 and its impact on the atmosphere. But, have we wondered if that CO2 impacts our oceans, rivers or forests? Considering that the air condenses, and falls as rain on these media. Maybe it does make an impact.
The oceans absorb 40% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. This CO2 which makes the water more acidic, which as a consequence affects the marine fauna. This phenomenon is known as Ocean Acidification.
This acidification also affects freshwater rivers. Oh! Limited resource. We talk about the water we drink.
In a study by Current Biologofy , they indicate that the PH of fresh water can change at an even higher rate than in the oceans. They speak of a change to 0.3 in 35 years. In this study they detect how acidification affects marine animals in their ability to defend themselves against predators. It weakens them. And in human health? How affects? Interesting question to further investigate this topic.
Considering that organic cotton is the least polluting fabric in terms of its manufacture and cultivation. Coming to impact -80% less than polyester and -60% than conventional cotton. If you want more info you can see it in this post: What pollutes more polyester or cotton?